Maybe you hear that bad words about our national medical system? Opinions about really big queue and fraud in hospitals? It is loud but truly marginal. What with worldwide voice about truly great skills of our national specialists?
In Poland we have all kinds of specialists . I hope that you won’t visit all of them but it is good to learn few thing about them. Most popular are polish surgeon. They are popular for first heart transplantation several years ago. In last time all magazines talking about profitable face transplant.

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The most famous national MD is surgeon and last year we were able to see film about his life in all cinemas around the Poland. Another class are MD handle with our teeth. Polish dentist is on huge level for years. Theirs medical institutions are truly new and with admission to literally new tech. Most of dental treatments is refund from government but if we care about clock frequently is more useful to pick private health care. Lilkely different specializations – Polish dentist is characterized in that when you give him your money, you should have sooner visit in clinic. Without that it happens that you have to wait several months before specialist will be able to take you.
Pediatricians are really trustworthy class in whole rankings. They have to apply individual treatment for kids. Small patients absolutely hate to stay in medical institution and from time to time they are able to make hell on earth for specialists, nurses and another subjects. That’s why is certainly important to use individual care with them. By the way – nurses are so underestimated class in our national medical institutions. They have to work with very sick people in harmful conditions walking around all medical institution. They are directly responsible for each patient and they are first if something will go not that good that should on theirshift.There is much more kinds and above it is only start. Literally interesting issue is private healing and you should thought to this.